Our Strategy – Working Together, Improving Together

Our strategy sets out our vision, values, strategic aims and most importantly, how we will deliver against these ambitions for our patients, communities, and people in the future.It sets the framework for the work we do every day and shows how, with everyone in the PHU team working together, improving together, we will achieve our ambitions. Our ambition is high, both in terms of what we set out to achieve for our populations, but also how we will behave to deliver the best possible outcomes for the communities we serve.Our strategy is not just a document, it is for and about everyone at PHU, building on what we have achieved with a renewed focus on continuous improvement and the need to continue to work together and improve together to achieve our goals. 

A full copy of the strategy can be downloaded here.

Developing our strategy

To inform this strategy, we have been actively engaging with our people and local communities, to hear about what is most important. This invaluable feedback has not only shaped the basis of this strategy but has also reinforced our commitment to realising our vision, living our values, and striving for the best possible outcomes for our population.

A report on our engagement activity will be published shortly.

Our vision, values and aims

Strategic aims Our strategic aims are the key priorities enabling us to deliver our vision, tailored to the next five years, describing what we are committing to do. They define our focus and give clarity to our people, partners and communities about what matters most and how we will do this. 


True Norths 

For each true north we have metrics which will guide us in assessing the impact and success of our actions in the delivery of our strategy. These are outlined for each strategic aim, in support of the objectives and outcomes we are committed to in order to improve our services.

How will we deliver our vision?

Delivering Excellence is how we go about implementing our vision. It translates our vision and ambitions into a clear set of actions making it easy for our people and teams to see the part they play and the contribution they make.

Delivering Excellence helps us to ensure the problems to be solved and the challenges to be overcome are being addressed in a consistent way by those people best able to solve them. It breaks down our ambitions into smaller, meaningful improvements and directs our expertise and efforts into those things that are demonstrably going to make the biggest difference. It gives us confidence the actions each of us take every day are contributing directly to achieving our vision.

Delivering Excellence involves:

  • True Norths are derived from our vision and aligned to each of our strategic aims. By pursuing our true norths we make sure we are delivering improvement.
  • Strategic initiatives make sure that the Trust does not get distracted by the day-to-day issues that we forget to build for tomorrow. They create space in the organisation for strategic and transformational things we need to do that cut across a number of our true norths.
  • Breakthrough objectives are the annual translation of our true norths into achievable, demonstrable improvements in a few key areas.
  • Trust projects are change projects that fully support of our vision, our aims and our true norths, that will directly provide improvement to our clinical and operational services.
  • Daily improvements which build a mindset that encourages us to talk about the data, assess where we are and where we need to be, and helps us to strive to improve.

Supporting strategies

We have a number of enabling strategies that support the delivery of our plans. These are: